Our Islands, Our Future

quote of the week

KHAKO makes a difference in the community. We give people support and stability when they most need it to rebuild their lives and get back on the path to success.
– Sue R. Sadecki, Executive Director, Ka Hale A Ke Ola

Recent Articles

GIS Story Map Workshop

GIS Story Map Workshop

Maui Economic Development Board’s (MEDB) Women in Technology (WIT) Project presented a workshop for K-12 teachers on Exploring the Watershed through STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) Education. Featuring WIT’s STEMworks™ Watershed Curriculum, the...

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STEMworks™ Summer Internships: A Path to the Future

STEMworks™ Summer Internships: A Path to the Future

The STEMworks™ Summer Internships, created by Maui Economic Development Board’s (MEDB) Women in Technology Project (WIT), provided high school and college students with a dynamic six-week program at host organizations throughout the state. Interns and companies both...

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The Maui Book Giver

The Maui Book Giver

Jonathan Kamehanaokala Merchant, a 9th grader at Seabury Hall, has loved to read for as long as he can remember. For his 11th birthday party, he decided he didn’t really need any presents. “My parents and I talked about how my bookshelf was overflowing,” said...

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Girls Inspired at Excite Camp

Girls Inspired at Excite Camp

This summer, middle-school girls statewide had the opportunity to attend Excite Camp, a Women in Technology (WIT) program sponsored by the Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB). The mission of WIT is to encourage women and girls to pursue education and careers in...

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MEDB Presents EV Showcase

MEDB Presents EV Showcase

Maui residents who are curious about Electric Vehicles (EV) or hybrids will have a hands-on opportunity to learn about them at the “EV Showcase,” on Saturday, August 12th at Queen Kaahumanu Center, 10 am to 2 pm. The event will feature a variety of both EV and hybrid...

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MEDB Opens Doors of Opportunity

MEDB Opens Doors of Opportunity

On Saturday, August 26, 2017, Maui Economic Development Board (MEDB) will hold their annual fundraiser dinner and auction Pathways to Our Future at the Fairmont Kea Lani Hotel in Wailea. Guests will celebrate MEDB’s 35th Anniversary and the achievements of students in...

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Small business

Trends Maui Nui 2020

Work on the 2020 report began in late 2018, as an update to the 2008 Next Steps Report—to record changes over the decade, to prepare for the 2020 U.S. Census, and to contextualize quantitative research. Like the 2008 report, it is comprised primarily of secondary data, but Trends Maui Nui 2020 includes far more data than its predecessor. It also includes six narratives that bring life to quantitative data. These narratives were developed with the help of a collection of qualitative one-on-one interviews with a cross section of topic experts and residents of Maui County.

About Focus Maui Nui

Focus Maui Nui, a program of Maui Economic Development Board, is a community process seeking the input of local citizens in a discussion about what residents want for the future of our islands (Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe) which together make up Maui Nui and Maui County.

The project is designed to bring individuals, organizations, and communities throughout the county together to identify and prioritize shared values and to send clear messages to local leaders about what we want for our islands, our communities, and our future.

Our Vision


Maui Nui will be an innovative model of sustainable island living and a place where every child can grow to reach his or her potential.


The needs of each individual, the needs of our natural and cultural assets, and the needs of the whole community will be brought into balance to reflect the extremely high value we place on both the land and its people.


The education and well-being of young people will be fostered to ensure that those born on these islands can, if they choose, spend their whole lives here – raising children, owning homes, enjoying rewarding jobs, and taking advantage of opportunities to contribute to this community and to be good stewards of our local treasures.


Maui Nui will be a leader in the creation of responsible, self-sufficient communities and environmentally sound economic development.


That which makes Maui Nui unique in the world will be preserved, celebrated, and protected for generations to come.