Our Islands, Our Future

There wasn’t a dry eye at a recent fundraiser for the new nonprofit, Keiki Kupuna (KK), as the group’s children’s choir performed for their supporters. The nonprofit, which organizes live musical performances for kupuna on Maui and offers free musical education to the children in its choir, was founded by sisters Bobby Goldyn, 17, and Cassie Goldyn, 15. The idea of sharing music with kupuna arose for the sisters many years ago when they were still in elementary school. 

“Our grandma Chris was in a hospice center, and she had severe dementia,” Bobby explained. “However, she always loved music. There was a piano in the hospice center and I decided to play it. Grandma’s face lit up, she started clapping, and we made an instant connection.” Cassie added, “Some of the only memories I have of grandma are playing music for her. Before long, our mini performances attracted other kupuna living in the home, and we started visiting more senior living facilities, singing songs from their generation. That’s when KK was born.” 

Through their nonprofit, the Goldyn sisters are striving to cement this experience as a permanent fixture on Maui. Since launching in 2023, and with a lot of fundraising, they were able to hire a musical director and have expanded their organization. After holding auditions, the group now includes approximately 20 talented keiki between 4 and 17 years old, creating Maui’s first and only free children’s choir from schools island-wide. An activities organizer at Maui Adult Daycare shared, “When the children of KK visit, our kupuna light up and sing along joyfully with every song.” KK typically specializes in pre-1970s music to better connect with older audiences. 

Julia Golding, KK Musical Director, said, “I’m so thankful that I was approached by the Goldyn ‘ohana to be a part of something so special…I am continually inspired by the incredible dedication and passion of the student musicians involved in this ensemble. They possess a deep sense of purpose, understanding the profound impact that music can have in bringing communities together. The students pour their hearts into every rehearsal and performance, not just for personal growth, but with the shared goal of spreading joy and connection. It is a privilege to witness their growth as both musicians and compassionate individuals, eager to use their talents to uplift and enrich the lives of others.” 

More information about Keiki Kupuna, including how to request a performance, can be found on their website,  

What moves me is their genuine commitment to giving back through their craft, as they recognize the transformative power of music to bridge generational gaps and inspire others.
Julia Golding, Musical Director, Keiki Kupuna