Our Islands, Our Future

The New Year can be a time for reflection as well as a time for looking ahead to what will come, and what good fortunes the future can bring. As you reflect on 2018, you may look back at the highlights and feel appreciation for having those experiences. You can look at the challenges you faced and how you came through them – what were the lessons learned that you help make you and your new year better and even brighter.

The New Year is often a time for resolutions and here are ten suggestions for a stronger and healthier 2019.

  1. Sleep more – get those eight hours for better mental health.
  2. Pick up crafting or some other hobby – learn to knit, a new language or join an improv acting group to have some fun.
  3. Plan mini-vacays – don’t wait for your vacation to get away. Go camping or hop to another island.
  4. Walk more – take a break at work and walk around the block. Get your colleagues in on the act.
  5. Pay it Forward (Share the Aloha) – how can you pass on the help you’ve received in the past?
  6. Volunteer – Research shows volunteering can improve your health. There are lots of non-profits on Maui looking for your help.
  7. Learn new recipes – get out of a diet rut and introduce new recipes to your cooking repertoire.
  8. Smile at a stranger – make someone’s day and share your smile.
  9. Call your family more often – especially if they are not in Hawaii. Connect with loved ones.
  10. Be more positive – reduce complaining, and see the good in self, others and in the challenges you face.

There are countless more ways to resolve to make 2019 a remarkable one for you and those around you. Set yourself to succeed by being realistic and avoiding the all-or-nothing resolution. As you progress through the year, if you slip up on a resolution, don’t let that be the end of your resolve. To err is human, so give yourself a little slack, and just get back to your new habit.

As the New Year approaches, Maui Economic Development Board Staff would like to be among the first to wish you “Hau‘oli Makahiki Hou.” Happy New Year!