Each day of the week the Hale Kau Kau (House of Meals) program serves a hot meal to the hungry and the needy from their kitchen located at St. Theresa’s Church, 25 West Lipoa Street in Kihei. “During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to share my gratitude to all the community members who help sustain the Hale Kau Kau program on a daily basis,” said the Reverend Monsignor Terrence A.M. Watanabe, pastor of St. Theresa Church and Hale Kau Kau Executive Director. “Working together makes such a difference and speaks volumes of how we are supposed to be involved with one another and caring for the needs of our community.”

Hale Kau Kau welcomes all who are in need of a hot, nutritious meal. They offer a wide range of delicious options, 365 days a year, including an entrée, salad, starch, dessert and drink. For the convenience of the diners, they have a number of picnic tables available, a sink for washing up, and the good company of all those who join them each day. The arrangement is win-win: all who need a meal and those who volunteer receive nurture for their bodies and nurture for their souls. A volunteer tourist from Wisconsin noted, “I am a big supporter of this program and when visiting Maui I want to help people.”

Hale Kau Kau was founded August of 1991 by a diverse group of South Maui individuals. Today, their mission, feeding with compassion and aloha, is to serve anyone who comes to their kitchen at meal-time. They deliver to ill and disabled homebound clients in South Maui, and distribute weekly food baskets and emergency food supplies to families in crisis.

Rev. Watanabe explained, “Sorting and stocking the pantry is a daily job for those who generously give of their time and cooking talents. Everyone in need is welcome and there is something for everyone to do and contribute. Individuals can become fundraisers, delivery drivers, or donors of money, food, goods and clerical services. Dinner is served Monday-Friday, 5-6pm; Weekends 4:30-5:30pm; and Thanksgiving and Christmas at 12 noon.”

Registration is open for our 17th Annual Mulligans-On-The-Blue Charity Golf Tournament for Feeding the Hungry, on Saturday, November 30, 2019. For more info call Mary at 808-875-8754 or email: halekaukau@rcchawaii.org.

Rev. Msgr. Terrence A.M. Watanabe, Pastor of St. Theresa Church, Executive Director, Hale Kau Kau Program