Our Islands, Our Future

The Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset recently featured Jenny Worth, Maui Disaster Program Manager for the American Red Cross, as their guest speaker to share information about the efforts of the Maui Red Cross since the 2023 wildfires. In her role, Worth educates families on emergency preparedness ahead of a crisis and responds to local disasters by providing comfort and emergency resources to people affected. She is also a resident of the West Maui community. 

The Red Cross offered Immediate Assistance funds shortly after the wildfires to help with urgent needs like buying groceries, clothing, and other essentials. They have also delivered additional support through their Bridge Financial Assistance Program to many of the hardest-hit residents—those whose homes suffered major damage or were destroyed—as they seek to overcome significant recovery roadblocks and get back on their feet. As of February 8, 2024, the Red Cross has provided financial assistance totaling approximately $24.8 million, reaching thousands of people still reeling from the devastating fires.

“It’s our privilege and responsibility to give something back,” Worth said. “My work gives me incredible purpose, which was never more apparent than on August 8. Vivid memories surface when I remember the night of the wildfires—how my husband, a Red Cross volunteer, opened a shelter, and then as the fire burned closer, woke a local principal so they could move the shelter to a safer location at the school. We helped shelter hundreds of Lahaina residents, some of whom were brought in soaking wet after fleeing into the ocean to escape the flames.”  

As the shelter filled up with a mix of locals and visitors, Worth saw her community turn out in force. Thousands of new volunteers signed up in the first two days to help their friends and neighbors. The Red Cross disaster teams and partners remain committed to ensuring families have a safe place to stay and receive compassionate and equitable care. 

Reflecting on the outpouring of support, Worth explained, “It’s the concept of ‘kuleana,’ a Hawaiian word that translates as responsibility, but means so much more. It moves everyone to help.” She also shared a reminder: “The need for volunteers is always great.” For more information about how to get involved, visit 

You won’t find another community that shows up like ours.

Jenny Worth American Red Cross Maui Disaster Program Manager