Junior hospital volunteers, known as Angels, are a testament to the strength and compassion of Maui Nui. Acknowledging that together we can make a difference, the Maui Memorial Medical Center (MMMC) Volunteer Office offers many opportunities through their Junior Volunteer Program. The program, which allows youth to explore various healthcare careers through volunteer work, started in the summer of 2023. Three students from Maui High School with aspirations to become a doctor, an anesthesiologist, and a medical technician were the first students ready to navigate the workings of a hospital first-hand, not just from a textbook. They were soon joined by nine more students representing five high schools on Maui, and that number keeps growing.

“Our program offers a unique opportunity for students to gain invaluable experience while helping others in need,” said Barbara Potopowitz, MMMC Auxiliary President. “Volunteering offers teenagers opportunities to positively impact their own lives by providing a sense of purpose, building connections, and developing skills. By engaging in hospital work, teens get to experience the numerous career choices available in the hospital environment and receive real-world work experience. We provide the necessary training to ensure success in their volunteer role.”
Any Maui Nui student between the ages of 14 and 18 who can commit to at least 6 hours a month of work at the hospital can join the program. Volunteering options include visiting patients with healthcare providers, distributing snacks, assisting in the gift shop, helping at the information desk, and operating a book cart for patients. Many of these options allow volunteers to observe doctors, nurses, aids, administrators, and technicians in action. Staff representing almost any healthcare occupation that students might be interested in are available for them to learn from.
Xin, a participant from Maui High School, shared, “I am learning valuable lessons in how to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. By creating positive energy, I can make a difference in people’s lives and in the community.”
Since December 2023, the program has also offered scholarships. Potopowitz noted, “The scholarships are named after Ed Quiring, a 90-year-old volunteer who still works closely with the students. The program recognizes volunteers for their hard work and dedication, making them eligible for exclusive scholarships that can support educational goals. We encourage community members to contribute to our tax-deductible scholarship fund.”
For more information about the volunteer program and to sign up, visit https://www.mauihealth.org/about-us/auxiliaries/junior-volunteer-program/ or call 808-280-4707.
Be an Angel! Be a Junior Volunteer and join other students to become part of our MMMC ‘ohana. Barbara Potopowitz, Auxiliary President, Maui Memorial Medical Center